On Saturday night people tried to have a vigil for those who died. The police came and were trying to stop them. It all happened very quickly. There were herds of police running from all directions, and buses full of police stopping in the middle of the street unloading. All of the roads were lined with policemen, with more running up and down the street, and some lined up against the buildings. After the police came, then more protesters came, carrying candles and signs. There were people who were distributing flyer, people putting up posters and stickers, and lots of people yelling and chanting. There were alot of monks out protesting too, they had drums and candles. I met a few of the protesters, they were very nice. It seemed like too many police for what was actually happening. I was talking with the protesters when the police cirlced around us. They blocked the main sidewalk paths and had the big water tanks. Some of my students told me that people get injured from the water pressure. That is when I decided to leave.
After I got out of the thick of it, and crossed the road to look from afar. The press was there, they had ladders to see over the people, had cameras and people ontop of vans and cars that were driving around, the photographers that were going in and out were wearing helmets that said Press on them. I thought that was good preperation on their part, military like helmets, it must get rough.
These are some of the police in the street. There were so many! It is difficult to see, but their reflectors showed well.
This is one of the stickers about the protest.
Police marching down the steet. They were yelling or chanting and kept lifting their hats up. They ran back and fourth alot. I think to indimidate the crowd.
Here is a girl with a candle. She was talking to the police. I think they use candles in most protests.
Here is a photo of the police blocking the sidewalks.
The police pushed me out of the way so they could get into the street. I was standing on this wall.
There were many police with their riot gear.
This is one of the moks from the protest.
Many people carried signs like this.
This were some people I met. They were holding candles. One was a Buddist monk. The man with the candle, William, was a professor in North Dakota. He spoke very good English and helped me to understand what was going on.