A mongolian pool table at the ger camp.
The inside of our Yurt.
We stayed at the Gobi Sunrise Ger Camp.
Our Yurt.
Yes! In the desert! It feels so good!
Khamaryn Khid monastary. We got a tour from one of the monks. He learned English while studying in India.
The Khamaryn Khid monastray and temples.
We went to this place called Breat Rock. Women go and throw milk on it. It stunk like sour milk. The reason it is white is because the milk dried on it.
People tied scarves to breat rock.
On our way to enter Shambhala land.
A photo inside one of the meditation caves. Monks seal themselves inside the caves for 108 days of meditation.
We had to stike this bell three times before we could enter Shambhala.
Shambhala is one of the largest energy centers on Asia. We laid on the ground and soaked up the energy.
This is the ovoo in the Shambhala land.
There are 108 stupas in Shambhala land that connect to other worlds or demensions. Danzan Ravja was a famous Buddhist poet and author. People in Mongolia believe that he was a living god. He could fly to tibet and back. He said that when he died people could come to this land and be with him.
The jeep driver and monk took us to some sand dunes. It was so hot.
We had a Russian jeep drive us around the desert. It was fun.
Inside our jeep.
A path we walked to get from one area of the city to another. It was very dry in Sainshand.
Mnay of the houses had beautiful gates.
We got a hotel in town one night. The only room that was open was one with 5 beds. Yeah, we had some room that night.
The Gobi Desert's Effiel Tower.
A view from the train station. The culture center is the green building in the background.
The Sainshand sign entering the town.
Dog cooling off in Sainshand.