Our first day we discovered something called the Insect and Bird Market. I was very excited about seeing this place the first time I read it on the map. We weren't really sure what to expect. I can you that afterwards, disappointed did not even cross my mind. It was Fantastic! and a bit creepy! There were bugs of all shapes and sizes. Mostly it seemed like people kept the bugs in empty sugar canes and jars. When they are let out the people poke them, causing the bugs to hop or make loud noises. I think there is some sort of illegal race....

Tables were filled with insects of all kinds.

Some of the bugs were kept in tiny jars.Some were kept in tiny boxes. It looked kind of neat, how they were all laid out.

Close up of the bus in jars. These ones were especially noisy.

Inspecting the insects. No, I am not going to purchase any.

There were also birds. The birds were much less creepy than the insects.

I loved the cages.

These birds didn't have as nice of cages.

This woman was selling insects that were kept in sugar canes.

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