Kota Kinabalu aka KK is the capital city of Sabah. It was a city. It was dirty, crowed, and definitely had its own character. It was very laid back. We passed many people lounging around on the coast playing guitars and such things. People in Borneo all had a laid back look. There was crazy hair, tattoos and body piercing. It was a nice change from Korea. There were all kinds of restaurants, a lot of good seafood and bars. The worst park of KK was the garbage. The city lays on the East China Sea and garbage is constantly getting washed up and trapped in the harbor. It’s really gross. There are also huge rats here. They are not afraid of anything. They are the size of cats and freely roam the streets. KK has a large expert population so everything is very foreign friendly. It was a nice city.
KK has many islands just off the shore.

Sign on the way to KK from the airport. Thought it was silly.

Dirty KK

A view from our hostel at 5 AM. The streets were surprisingly busy. There were street sweepers, rats, and the erie sound of the ,mornings calls to prayer that were played very loudly on loud speakers throughout the city. I actually liked the call to prayer. It seemed like a nice way to start the day. It was very relaxing and sounded just lovely.

That is how mice are caught in Borneo. Ha Ha!

Yeah, grass jelly. Who knows?
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