Fir Christmas were given a week off school. We decided to head some places warm and exotic. Robert, Judy and I spend a wonderful two-week vacation exploring the island of Borneo. Borneo has always held my interest. I remember first hearing about it from my friends who were Geography majors. I remember them talking about how quickly the teak forests are being destroyed for export, other land is being destroyed to make room for the other over populated Indonesian and Malaysian Islands. I remember hearing that this was one of the most biologically diverse places in the world. It has new frog discovered all the time. It has tigers, orangutans, elephants, rhinos, and lots of beautiful coastline. I have wanted to see this island before it was completely destroyed. I am glad we finally made it. We were able to see rain forests, wildlife, stars and peace. It was a truly amazing journey.
We first started out in the capital pf Sabah, Koto Kilabalou. This was an interesting city. It was quite heavily mixed. There were many Pilipino, Chinese, Indians, Malays, and many other groups. It seems like the city had a nice cultural mix. There were many Christian and many Muslims but it was very relaxed.
We spend our first night here exploring the city. We ate many delicious foods, which will be focused on later. WE found some markets and a decent Chinese restaurant to eat at. We stayed at a hostel called he Step in Lodge. It was nice; they gave us wake up calls for our crazy early flights and breakfast before hand. They were very friendly.
In general I have to say that Borneo Malaysians are some of the friendliest, helpful people on earth. Everyone was greeted on the street. People strived to understand and communicate with you. We were shown hospitality that I have encountered in few other places. From the flight crew to the ground I felt happy just being around so many happy people.
The view from our hostel. There was a pretty busy market outside during the day. The sold pearls. I really enjoyed pearl shopping.
Food stands along the East China Sea.
View of KK from above. Its beautiful!
The ports were very dirty. This is the area where the workers got their boats to go home to a water village on another island.
Fish sign on the way back from the airport.
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