Hanoi blew my mind. I have never been in a city quite like it before. Even the coloring, at least for a major city was strange. Everthin was brown. The buildings, sidwalks, the clothes, everything had a brown hint to it. It gave the impression of really being back in SOUTHEAST Asia before the wars, maybe just after the wars {It's difficult to guess.} Many people still wore miliary clothes and communist fatigues. Almost every guy wears dark pants and a long sleeved button up shirt. Women dress litle more wester-like but many wear the traditional silk outfits, espcilly to schol.It was like watching an old-time movies. It was great. And then modernisism kicks your ass back into reality. Ha Noi defiantly walkes the line betwween moderity and history. As yu standing the sidewalk, taking you the veiws you will quickly be assaulted by the scere number for motor bikes on the roads. They are moving fast, kicking up dust. They quickly take crossing the road to a new level. This is like Frogger Level 50. Miracuously, I have not seen an accident. Its very simple to cross the road. Fritst, step up to the curb and take a deep breath. The you just walk frowd. It seems like sme form of magic. No one will hit you. There are be a of bikes 20 deep and everyone will manage to miss you.
Back to Ha Noi being a historic gem
The hotel that I stayed at was a gem. My room had a private balcony, the breakfast was awesome and the staff were the friendiest people in the hotel business. One warning about hotels in Viet Nam. People tend to wake up every early like 4:30-5 AM everymorning. What this means to you is that rooms facing the street will be noisy in the moring. Another downside is that room serce will knock on you door and 7:30 AM.
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